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December  23,2024  Dom Lipa is happy to report that effective December 23 Out break is decalred over.

December 10, 2024  As of December 9th Dom Lipa is experiencing an Enteric Outbreak ( vomiting/diarhea ) on K Wing Unit. Only Essential Caregivers allowed to visit.

                                 As of December 12th Dom Lipa is experiencing an Enteric Outbreak oon West 1 Unit.

                                 During flu season a mask is mandatory for all visitors and Essential Caregivers.

October 4, 2024   Join the Ontario Association of Residents Councils (OARC) October Webinar for Residents and Supportive Partners with special guests from the Ministry of                                               Long Term Care for a fall information session including updates about vaccination and other respiratory preparadness measures.

                             Fall Updates with Ministry Guests: Resident Information Session with Live Q&A  Wednesday, October 9th at 2:00pm – 3:00pm, EST

Resident participants are encouraged to submit questions related to the webinar scope in advance through registration and will have an opportunity to have their questions answered live.

Register here:

*Please note that Family Councils Ontario will be hosting a similar information session for family caregivers on Thursday, October 10th at 10am. Please use this link to pre-register. Details regarding a French information session for residents and families will be circulated at a later date.

Building a Culture of Safety Through Resident and Family Engagement

Wednesday, October 16th at 2:00 – 3:00pm, EST

Join members of the OARC team as we welcome representatives from the Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada (ISMP Canada) to discuss the important role that residents can play in supporting medication safety in their long-term care homes. Our guests will share related resources and provide examples of how residents and families are being engaged in a provincial medication safety initiative.

Register here:

The Ministry of Long-Term Care does not endorse or sponsor specific learning and education activities. All long-term care sector associations play important roles in contributing to the goals of quality of life and quality of care in Ontario’s long-term care homes.

 July 30, 2024      Outbreak declared over .COVID -19 Outbreak on Kastelic Wing (K-Wing). Only Essential Caregivers are allowed to visit K-Wing residents.

                             Essential Caregivers must complete the Active Screening Form at the Entrance prior to entering Dom Lipa. All  other visitors can visit other units,except K-Wing.

                           Masks are mandatory on all Units and common areas within the home for the duration of the Outbreak.

.June 18,2024   We are happy to let you know that the recent COVID-19 outbreak on West 2 Unit has been declared over as of today.  

June 10,2024   COVID-19 Outbreak declared byToronto Public Health (TPH) on West 2 Unit.

                       As per the Ministry of Health's requirements, visitors for residents on West 2 are not permitted into the  building until the outbreak is resolved-

                       only essential caregivers are permitted  to visit. 

                      Everyone entering the building is required to wear a mask and answer the written screening questions at the front doors before entry.

May 31, 2024   Retirement Home Outbreak declared over on May 31, 2024 

May 27, 2024   COVID-19 Outbreak on Kastelic Wing declared over on May 27, 2024

 May 14,2024    COVID -19 Outbreak on Kastelic Wing. Only Essential Caregivers allowed to visit residents.

       April  2024    Visitor Policy 

 March 4, 2024   Update on Enhanced Masking Measures in Long-Term Care Homes

December 11, 2023  Dear Residents' families and friends,  Please read Essential Caregiver Protocols

November 6,2023   Masking Requirements Long Term Care Homes effective November 7, 2023

        June 29, 2023   Masking Requirements as of June 30, 2023

        June 20, 2023   Dom Lipa is pleased to announce that the COVID-19 Outbreak of June 1st, 2023 is now declared over by Toronto Public Health.

          June 6, 2023   COVID-19 Outbreak

          June 1, 2023    As of today, Thursday June 1st, West 2 is unfortunately now on Outbreak of COVID-19

      March 28, 2023    Visitors Policy in Long-Term Care and Retirement Home During COVID-19 Pandemic- effective date March 31, 2023

December 29,2022    Due to Public Health Directives, general visitors to Dom Lipa must be fully vaccinated in order to enter the Home ( minimum 2 doses of COVID-19 vaccine). 

                                  Proof of vaccination must be provided to a screener. Visitors complete a screening questionnaire, undergo a Rapid Antigen Test  and are required to wear a mask

                                  while on  the premises  of Dom Lipa ( indoor and outdoor) . Guidelines for general visitors are subject to change if Dom Lipa is in Outbreak Status.

                                  Essential Caregivers (ECGs) are allowed  during an Outbreak Status.                                                   

November 7, 2022     Dom Lipa is pleased to announce that the COVID-19 Outbreak of October 19, 2022  is now declared over by Toronto Public Health.

  October 19, 2022     COVID-19 Outbreak declared Retirement and Kastelic Wing 

September 28,2022    Dom Lipa is pleased to announce that the COVID-19 Outbreak of September 21, 2022 on Kastelic Wing is now declared over by Toronto Public Health.

September 22,2022    Kastelic Wing is Declared as Confirmed Outbreak as of September 21, 2022

September 21, 2022   Ontarians Aged 18+ Eligible for Bivalent Boosters Provincial Announcement   announcement

September 16, 2022   Memorandum to Long-Term Care Licensees  Bivalent COVID-19 Booster Dose

September 16, 2022   Questions and Answers about COVID-19 Vaccines

September 14, 2022   Dom Lipa is in a Suspect Covid-19 Outbreak on Kastelic Wing declared due to an unknown source of infection for the positive case.

                                   Visitors  Essential  Caregivers (ECGs) are permitted.

                        General visitors visiting a resident on Droplet and Contact Precautions(DCP) ,excluding cases, should be limited to visiting one resident and visiting in their room only.

                                               General visits should not visit confirmed Covid-19 cases during their isolation period.

        Admission/Transfers   Permitted as per Toronto Public Health. Homes need to agree and  potential transfers/admissions need to have provided consent.


                         Absences     Medical,Compassionate, or Palliative Absences- Permitted  

                                               Short Term- Essential Absences ( e.g. pharmacy, grocery, outdoor exercise-Permitted( if not on DCP)

                                              Short-Term Social- Permitted ( if not on DCP and not cohorted to unit )

                                              Please contact Director of Care or Charge Nurse for any clarification.


 August 25, 2022        Kastelic Wing          General visitors are allowed:

                                                                    General visitors are allowed to visit residents not on DCP.

                                                                    General visitors should not visit confirmed COVID-19 cases during their isolation period

                       General visitors visiting someone on DCP (excluding confirmed cases and symptomatic residents) should be limited to visiting one resident and visiting in their room only.


August 11, 2022  Dom Lipa is in an outbreak with confirmed Covid-19 cases as of August 11, 2022.   September 3, 2022  Outbreak declared over.

                           Residents  on Kastelic Wing are put on Droplet and Contact Precautions (DCP).  General Visitors for Kastelic Wing residents are not permitted.

                           Essential Caregivers (ECG) are allowed.

                          Supervised and scheduled outdoor time for residents on Kastelic Wing is permitted if staffing allows (i.e., resident must be supervised) and Infection Prevention and

                          Control  (IPAC) measures are in place. 

                          As per Toronto Public Health directive from August 12, 2022, General Visitors for West 1, West 2 and Retirement Home are allowed till further notice.

                          The IPAC measures and Dom Lipa Visitation Policy must be followed:

                          1. Access West 1, West 2 and Retirement Home only via Kastelic Wing elevator- no walking through Kastelic Wing hallway for any reason.

                          2. Surgical mask must be always on, including in resident's room and outdoors.

                          3. Distancing with other people must be observed.

                         4. Two people maximum in elvators.

                         5, Visiting only in the resident's room or outdoors.

                         Resident Absences:

                         1.  Medical, compassionate, or palliative absences are permitted.

                         2.  Essential absences permitted if not on  droplet and contact precautions.

                         3.  Sort term social absences are not permitted.

                         Thank you for your understanding. We hope that together we can keep our residents safe.  

July 21, 2022    COVID-19 guidance document for long-term care homes in Ontario

July 21, 2022    MInister'sDirective: COVID-19 response measures for long-term care homes

July 21, 2022     Dom Lipa is  pleased to advise that the COVID-19 Exposure of July 14, 2022 on West 1  is now declared over by Toronto Public Health.

July 19, 2022     Please note  effective July 14, 2022 Toronto Public Health is investigating a COVID-19 Exposure at Dom Lipa, Exposure Location West 1 .

                           Please note  effective July 18,2022 Toronto Public  Health is investigating a COVID-19 Exposure at Dom Lipa, Exposure Location West 2

 June 28, 2022   Please read AdvantAge Ontario Vaccine Coalition press release here.

   May 13, 2022    Pandemic Response Frequently Asked Questions

    May 5, 2022     Update Covid-19 Outbreak of April 20, 2022

  April 25, 2022     Dom Lipa Retirement Home Facility COVID-19 Exposure

   April 25, 2022    COVID-19 Controlled Confirmed Outbreak on Unit West 1

   April 20, 2022    Dom Lipa Long-Term Care -Uncontrolled Confirmed Outbreak

   April 13, 2022    As of April 13, 2022, the COVID-19 Facility Exposure at Dom Lipa Long-Term Care Home on units West 1 and West 2 has been declared over.    

     April 7, 2022    Facility Covid-19 Exposure - status

   March 11, 2022  Visits as of March 14, 2022 

February 22,2022  Long-Term Care Pandemic Response FAQs   LTC Visitor Absences Social Gatherings Snapshot (English)   LTC COVID-19 What residents can expect (English)

February 4, 2022   Long-Term Care Pandemic Response FAQs 2022.02.04 FINAL

February 3, 2022   COVID-19 Guidance: Long-Term Care Homes and Retirement Homes for Public Health Units  

January 20, 2022   Vaccination Key Messages

 January 10, 2022   Dom Lipa Outbreak Information


January  2025  Essential Caregiver Policy      Essential Caregiver Contract



  Essential Caregivers/General Visitors

  Essential Caregivers are the only type of visitor allowed in Dom Lipa  when a resident is self-isolating or symptomatic  or the Home is in outbreak .  

